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The Heart of the Sunshine Coast

Sunshine Coast (hard cover) ISBN:  978-0-6398050-9-2




The Heart of the Sunshine Coast Introduction

Welcome to the Sunshine Coast – home to 10 rivers, 150km of unspoilt coastline, with surrounding malaria-free Big 5 Game Reserves.  The Sunshine Coast boasts the most sunshine hours in the country and the very best of “Beach & Bush”.

Follow the R72 from Nanaga in the west and wind your way through dairy, chicory and pineapple country, past spectacular dune fields at Woody Cape and ancient coastal forests at Alexandria to pristine tidal rivers and magnificent beaches on the Sunshine Coast.

The valley bushveld is unique to the Eastern Cape, and supports more species of animals, birds and insects per cubic metre than any other. Over 400 recorded species of birds make this area a Birders Paradise. There are several big 5 game reserves to choose from including the ‘’Big 7’’ Greater Addo Elephant National Park.

Other attractions include a full variety of water sports, scenic golf courses, historical trails, a variety of eco-walks and hikes, culinary delights, impressive artists and art galleries, and warm-hearted, friendly locals.

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Sunshine Coast

Hard Cover, Soft Cover